What’s Happening!
• Expression of Interest
– Whanau who did not attend the open day of the 20/4/2024, who have registered their interest are being contacted now, by way of phone / email / Facebook and website posts.
– We want to ensure that all whanau who have registered are aware of the dates for the next set of open day meetings coming up.
• Up and coming Open days – PLEASE KEEP AN EYE OUT for date confirmation via email / Facebook and our webpages.
– This is where whanau will be provided the information, they need to understand the application process for a home.
– Tentative date for homes to buy Open day early June at Mokoia Community Hall.
– Rental open days to commence beginning of June.
– You must register your intent to attend an open day – because we have a maximum capacity of 15 – 20 per meeting and for catering purposes.
– Multiple open days will be scheduled – with no limit on how many meetings you can attend.
• Affordable homes for sale information packs and application forms to be available SOON
– These will soon be available at the open day meetings.
– They will be available via email / website and Facebook postings.
– You can request a pack by emailing the GM.
– You will soon be able to pick up a pack from OKR office 1268 Arawa Street
If you have any questions, please contact Alicia on 0272448232 or email: GM@2b7trust.co.nz