Applications Closed for Affordable Rentals: Our Affordable Rentals are now fully occupied, and applications are closed. Please watch our website for updates on Kaumatua and Social Rental availability.

Ōwhata Kohanga Rākau Announces Construction Has Commenced

Jun 21, 2024

By: Kohanga Rakau Team

ROTORUA, Friday 21 June, 2024: Ōwhata Kohanga Rākau is proud to announce a significant milestone in our ongoing commitment to supporting our iwi and community. We have officially begun the construction phase of the first 16 of 38 affordable rental houses, a project made possible through the support from and in partnership with the MHUD Affordable Housing Fund.

We believe that providing quality, affordable and secure housing is a cornerstone of fostering a vibrant community. This project is more than just constructing whare; it aims to provide families with stability, security and connection to their whenua, with long-term tenancy options.

“We are excited to start construction of the houses. It represents a significant step towards our goal of providing affordable, well-designed and secure new homes for our whānau,” said Jason Rogers, Ōwhata 2B & 7 Trust Chairman.

As we move forward with the construction, we will keep our iwi and community informed with regular updates on our progress. This project is a collective effort, and we are grateful for the continued support and encouragement from our whānau and partners.

We invite everyone to stay connected with us throughout this journey. Together, we are building a stronger, more connected future for all.

Follow the link if you’d like to register your interest or email us for more info.