Applications Closed for Affordable Rentals: Our Affordable Rentals are now fully occupied, and applications are closed. Please watch our website for updates on Kaumatua and Social Rental availability.

Ōwhata 2B & 7 Trust Employment Opportunity

Oct 7, 2024

Tēnā koutou, e te whānau,

He Pou Tangata reflects our dedication to creating opportunities for Whānau, Hapū, and Iwi in employment. Ōwhata 2B & 7 Land Trusts are happy to share the employment opportunity arising from the Ōwhata Kōhanga Rākau development and Penny Home Builders relationship.

What’s available:

General Hand – Building

A range of tasks that are physically demanding.

Hours of work 7.00 am – 4.30 pm.

Pay will be negotiated on experience and ability.

Construction site experience is preferable, but not a requirement.

Own transport required.

To be eligible for this opportunity, you must whakapapa to Ōwhata no.2B & 7 Land Trusts or Ngāti Te Roro o Te Rangi.

Please send your CV and letter of application to . The application process will close as soon as a successful candidate is confirmed, so whānau, get your application in now.

Keep an eye on our communications for more exciting opportunities shortly!

Open Plan Renders Park 1