Applications Closed for Affordable Rentals: Our Affordable Rentals are now fully occupied, and applications are closed. Please watch our website for updates on Kaumatua and Social Rental availability.



Local Rangatahi Offered Rare Job Opportunity

Local Rangatahi Offered Rare Job Opportunity

Late last month, civil construction company MATCO began earthworks on the site at Ōwhata in preparation for the 93 much needed new homes. Now, with his passion for teaching and nurturing the next generation in the civil industry, MATCO Managing Director Matt Paget is offering a rare opportunity for local rangatahi to work with him in a learn-as-you-earn role, contributing to the Ōwhata Kōhanga Rākau housing project.
Ōwhata 2B & 7 Ahuwhenua Trust SGM

Ōwhata 2B & 7 Ahuwhenua Trust SGM

At our Special General Meeting, which took place in early August at the Rydges Rotorua hotel, we announced the Kohanga Rakau Housing Initiative and the first stage of the resource consent process for 93 homes. For those that missed out on the hui and would like copies of the presentation, please email All the March AGM resolutions were passed at the SGM, with the quorum.