Applications Closed for Affordable Rentals: Our Affordable Rentals are now fully occupied, and applications are closed. Please watch our website for updates on Kaumatua and Social Rental availability.

ŌWHATA 2B & 7 Ahuwhenua TRUSTS SGM

Nov 23, 2023

Nau mai haere mai ki ŌWHATA 2B & 7 Ahuwhenua TRUSTS Special General Meeting.

An agenda for this meeting has been sent to all shareholders whose address and email address is known. An online option is available for those who cannot make the meeting in person, to register please contact the Trust’s Secretary, Kayla Cafatsakis. 


Phone: 07 343 1050

We look forward to seeing you all there! Ka titiro whakamua mātou, hei reira koutou!